“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.” —John F. Kennedy
As we approach this Thanksgiving, your RSNY Synod want to take time to give thanks for our Congregations and Classes that consistently and faithfully serve their church communities well. We also want to give thanks for our dedicated Synod officers and staff who are relentless as we uphold the continued Christian ministry in our Synod and world.
Over the years, The RSNY has grown and perfected its mission for meeting the needs of our family churches and mission services. We have provided numerous resources to churches, which includes support during our storm disaster, grants for the furtherance of Churches during Covid pandemic, referrals for Ministers and their families for spiritual health services, legal referral services, Consistory Workshops and financial assistance for Summer VBS and Afterschool programs as well as justice advocacy, to fellowship among the RSNY delegates at an evening dinner, and a host of other ministerial services.
We truly have much to be thankful for in the midst of this pandemic: Thankful for God’s Grace and Mercy, for our loved ones, peace in our homes, prosperity, health, and the ability to witness God’s love to a broken world.
Finally, this pandemic has brought many changes in our lives and the way we worship, but the reason for the Thanksgiving celebration remains. God still provides the care and compassion for his children and is still worthy of our offerings of gratitude. As you set aside time to praise God for Jesus’ faithfulness and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, may God bring joy and happiness to you and yours at your Thanksgiving gatherings.
Rev. Dr. Micheal Edwards
Interim Executive Minister