Dear RSNY Church Family and Friends,
In Western History, there were always references to the term “Church Fathers” as honorary figures who brought life to God’s Church. During my years in seminary in the early 1980s, there were little discussion around the term “Church Mothers” as honorary figures important to theological scholarship or conversation in the curriculum. There is minimal academic scholarship about Church Mothers outside of biblical discussion when expressing the importance of Women such as Old Testament Deborah, the woman at the Well, the Woman who touched the hem of our Savior’s garment, or perhaps the Mary’s and Martha’s in biblical applications for servanthood.
As I appreciate Church mothers, I acknowledge as I grew up in the Reformed Tradition, how Church mothers helped to shape a powerful ministry and witness in demonstrating Jesus’ Compassion. They also helped to design ecumenical relations with their sisters’ who were Catholics, Methodists, Reformed, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Baptists, and those in non-denominations. They built auxiliaries centered on Mission, evangelism, and prayer circles of faith. They lived into Titus 2 as women who were role models to younger women as they expanded their skills as Sunday School teachers and youth mentors. Bible Study was required despite their lengthy work responsibilities. They taught and encouraged women in the church to become strong, spirit-filled mothers, parents, and gave guidance to many children in God’s church.
As I grew in the ministry, I observed women of faith, despite their cultural backgrounds embrace the calling to submit to the command to be fruitful and multiply in the witness of God’s Love. Whether biological mothers or not, these Christian women saw a need and were able to bear witness to a hopeful word to anyone and everyone.
I am thankful for the learning series of our RCA Women Summer Bible Study. The power of wisdom being unfolded as we learn weekly about Heroic Women of Faith and about the injustice and silence of the role of Women of God in the building of “Thy Kingdom Come”.
As we observe Mother’s Day, let us recall the women in our lives who mentored us in becoming faithful servants of God and showed us the power of mentoring others from their examples as transformed Women willing to mentor others with the power of relationships in building the Kingdom of God.
Rev. Dr. Micheal Edwards, Executive Minister