Our Purpose
Faithwalking is a spiritual formation process where people are increasingly following the way of Jesus, experiencing ongoing transformation, and developing effective practices for missional living: serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need; working for the common good; and restoring individuals, social systems, communities, and nations to God’s intended design.
What We Do
Faithwalking is a series of four courses (FW101, 201, 202, and 301) open to anyone, where we teach, coach, and empower you to master the components of your ongoing transformational journey. Our core work centers around helping you and those in your community to master the work of spiritual formation, inner healing, emotional maturity, and missional living. We believe that this work in personal transformation clears space for us to effectively get on mission with God in the world.
“I have seen more true change and transformation through Faithwalking than through any other ministry, program, coursework, or process I have encountered. It is an intense process, and challenging, but it is good! I invite you to join this international ecumenical movement!”
– Rev. Dr. Sherri Meyer-Veen, Schoharie, NY
A Note to Pastors!
We especially encourage you to attend a FW101 retreat, either on your own or with congregants. Although it may be a Sunday away from the pulpit, much of what you’ll learn is applicable to all of life and ministry as you relate to God, others, and your own self. And you’ll get a better idea of Faithwalking as a process of spiritual formation, so that you can offer it to those in your congregation.
If you need help in any way with pulpit supply, so you can attend a retreat, contact your Regional Synod office.
More Information
More about Faithwalking: www.nyfaithwalking.com
Find dates and register for Faithwalking courses HERE