Executive Minister's Desk

The Regional Synod of New York


“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.” (Acts 2:1)

This year’s Pentecost will mark a time of thanksgiving for God’s presence in the midst of a global pandemic.  Pentecost 2020 found us amid heartache, pain, loneliness, and uncertainty. We experienced closures of many of our churches and businesses, and a call for masks, hospital ventilators and concerns as death tolls rose and fears came to light about our spiritual walk with a loving God.

Many questioned where was the Spirit of God in Pentecost 2020, and others were praying to hear the Spirit of God in the middle of an unknown world crisis.  However, just as on the day of Pentecost, in 2020 we also saw the power of God’s spirit break forth, breaking down walls and barriers. We witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit to bring people together, and saw the church crossing barriers, regardless of race, creed, economic and ethnic background, orientation, gender, or class.

So, as we step forth into Pentecost Sunday, 2021, I bring forth the following question, how is the Spirit of the Lord continuing to transform the Children of God in compassion, generosity, ingenuity, hospitality, and creativity as we re-open our doors to new possibilities with a refreshing view of our diversity as children of God together in this global pandemic situation? A question we need to ponder individually and collectively.

Friends, the power of Pentecost has enabled new discovery among church members to learn about one another in personal ways during the nightmare of COVID-19. The Spirit of the Lord enriched members of the body of Christ to witness by encouraging one another, speaking words of Hope, caring for folks, providing food resources for the needy, visiting the sick and connecting on-line with loved ones, business partners, friends, and strangers.

This Sunday’s lectionary readings shine a light on what truly joins us together as a gifted people. As Christians, Pentecost brings a refreshing liturgical feast to the unrest of our way of living. Pentecost allows an Evangelical Word to live out the Grace of God and the Peace of God is realized in our proclamations, as we live out our faith.  This Pentecost Sunday, let us be reminded again that the Christian church and its call to minister in the community has endured many obstacles throughout history and we have always been assured by God’s promises that God is always with us and for us.

Please join our RCA General Secretary and the RCA’s racial/ethnic councils, and the Commission on Race and Ethnicity in observing the annual Day of Prayer and Fasting for Justice and Reconciliation on May 25, 2021 as an Expression of Restoration and Flourishing our church communities in a Hopeful Witness of the Love of God. 


Rev. Dr. Micheal Edwards

Interim Executive Minister