May 10, 2024
Greetings, Friends!
Some of you were able to attend the January Elders/Deacons Together meeting on January 30, 2024. Some of you also attended the follow-up sessions on March 4 (Elders) or March 11 (Deacons).
For some, even though you had planned to attend, circumstances prevented it for one or both sessions. So I’d like to let you know that if you are still interested, there is another group of elders and deacons forming, who will meet as Elders and Deacons Together on Monday, May 20, again from 7:00-9:00 p.m. If you would be able this time, I am happy to invite you to attend this gathering and its follow-ups on June 3 for the Elders alone, and on June 10 for the Deacons alone.
If you registered for the previous gatherings, then I should have your information already. Please let me know by email that you’d like to join this gathering, and I’ll send off a new set of reading materials for you to prepare for May 20.
If you did not register for any previous gatherings, please send me your NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, OFFICE (Deacon or Elder), CHURCH, and a PHONE NUMBER where you could be reached for late-breaking information (eg., power failure). I will send you reading materials that will help to ground the meeting’s subjects for you.
I do look forward to seeing you! This experience is giving me a wonderful appreciation for the wide range of elders and deacons that we have serving in the regional synod area!
Please let me know before May 15 if you can attend the May 20 Elders and Deacons Together meeting,
and the Elders alone on June 3, or the Deacons alone on June 10, all at 7:00-9:00 p.m.
May God bless your ministries and leadership in the Church!
Rev. Jay Vogelaar (RCA)
Mail: Juliete Gaebel, SCLS Registrar
PO Box 38, Youngsville, NY 12791
Phone: (845) 417-8924
Please make checks payable to The School for Christian Living & Serving or SCLS. Thank you.
Scholarships are available from the School.
Registration Information: School for Christian Living