Our Executive Officers

The Regional Synod of New York

Rev. Greg Town

The Reverend Greg Town joined as staff with the Regional Synod of New York in June 2016.

Prior to serving RSNY, Greg co-pastored with his wife, Becky, in the Reformed Dutch Church of Prattsville, NY (which was yoked with the Jewett Presbyterian Church), where they served together for 8 1/2 years, and where Becky served for an additional 2 years beyond that. They currently live in New Paltz, NY, where Becky serves as co-pastor of the Reformed Church of New Paltz. They are the busy parents to Karissa, Emelyn, and Joseph.

Among other things within RSNY, Greg helps lead and support two movements dedicated to relearning discipleship, mission, and leadership development – Churches Learning Change (formerly Ridder Church Renewal) and Faithwalking. Both are ecumenical, nation-wide processes (mainly within the RCA and CRC, but quickly expanding) for church leaders to re-envision, as individuals and as congregations, what it means to live missionally as disciples of Christ within their families, congregation, and wider community.

Greg also serves as the coordinator for the Congregational Wellness and Mediation Team of RSNY, a team dedicated to serving our congregations and consistories to practice and experience conflict transformation and delve into deeper and healthier relationships with one another.