Job Vacancies

The Regional Synod of New York

Katonah Presbyterian Church (KPC) – Seeking A full-time Pastor

We nurture our faith through prayer, worship, and education. Faith doesn’t grow in a vacuum. As we share our stories with each other, as we sing and pray together, as we study together, we cultivate the right conditions for faith to grow. We build deeper relationships through care and fellowship. We do our best to stay connected. As we share food around a table, as our deacons and parish nurses offer practical support, as we care for each other in times of joy or sorrow, we build deep relationships with each other that endure through time. We serve those in need through mission and outreach. Church is never confined within four walls. As we visit inmates in prison, as youth and adults travel abroad to build houses or go on a Midnight Run in the City, and as we work together on an annual week-long rummage sale so we can donate the proceeds to local and global mission organizations, we are loving and serving our neighbors, both near and far. We strive to be the kind of church that welcomes everyone, no exceptions. As we welcome online and in-person guests, as we prioritize full inclusion over easy comfort or familiarity, we seek to extend a welcome that is truly worthy of our gracious and hospitable God. We seek a full-time Pastor to lead this active congregation. Learn more HERE.