Job Vacancies

The Regional Synod of New York

Delmar Reformed Church Seeks Associate Pastor

Approved by Consistory – November 2022
To the glory of God and in service to the church of Jesus Christ, the ministers will provide leadership and nurture to the life of Delmar Reformed Church. The Associate Pastor of Outreach and Discipleship will work in partnership with the senior pastor, the consistory, and the congregation.
The Associate Pastor of Outreach and Discipleship combines programmatic leadership, community witness, spiritual formation, worship leadership, and pastoral care. Delmar Reformed Church is rooted in the call to Grow God’s Kingdom by giving witness to the work of the Holy Spirit, seeking to join with that work within the body of the congregation, and the community and world around us.
The ideal pastoral candidate must be rooted in the Reformed tradition, outreach and growth focused, and seek growth in the church’s impact and connection in the community. The ideal candidate must also employ creativity and be willing to plan, be brave, and experiment, with the backing and support of the congregation.
The Associate Pastor of Outreach and Discipleship reports to consistory as a minister of the church and Pastor Chris Vande Bunte as a member of staff.

Pastoral Job Description


Outreach Ministries

  • Coordinate, plan, and oversee leadership of outreach into the community with programs and events in conjunction with the outreach committee. Areas may include: o Community events (church hosted and/or as a church ambassador). o Generational and multi-generational programs for those presently outside of the church.
    • Preschooler mother’s group liaison.
    • Summer Children’s Programs.
  • Engage with the diversity of people in the community surrounding us, from local to international.

Youth and Young Adult Ministries

  • Oversee vision for the youth ministry and for ministry among young adults both within and outside of Delmar Reformed Church.
  • Coordinate with Education Director in the areas of: o Sunday School Curriculum and Leadership o Annual Confirmation/Profession of Faith Classes

o Children’s Choirs Leadership in Worship (along with Music Director)

  • Support of RPM (Reformed, Presbyterian, Methodist) combined high school youth group leadership, including participation in the leadership of that group.
  • Leadership and coordination of middle school youth group (grades 6-8).
  • Ministry to parents of children and youth.
  • Foster integration of youth into ministries such as worship, mission, and outreach.

Christian Education/Spiritual Formation Ministries

  • Assist Senior Pastor in leadership of weekly Bible studies.
  • Coordination with Senior Pastor in developing new and renewed small group spiritual formation opportunities and programs, including affinity targeted groups.
  • Assist in leadership of seasonal and occasional spiritual formation classes and workshops.
  • Leadership, with Senior Pastor, of new members/inquirers classes.


  • Planning and leadership of the worship of Delmar Reformed Church through weekly worship leadership, as well as preaching approximately 12 times per year (Sunday morning and special service opportunities).
  • Coordination and leadership with Senior Pastor of additional worship opportunities.
  • Advocacy and inclusion of lay leadership in worship.


Mission and Ecumenical Ministries

  • Support and advocacy for mission, social action, and connection with partners in our area.
  • Coordinate involvement in covenant partnership with our existing six church partners known as FOCUS Churches of Albany (

Regional Ministry

  • Participation in Classis and Regional Synod ministries as opportunities arise.
  • Seek connections with partners, yet to be determined, as opportunities arise.


  • Centered in faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Able to work effectively with a range of youth ages.
  • Essential ability to work in collaboration with other ministers, staff, and lay leaders.
  • Desire to be rooted in the local community.
  • Emotional maturity and exercise of empathy.
  • Commitment to building relationships within and outside of the congregation.
  • Commitment to continued spiritual, personal, and professional growth.
  • Commitment to faithful living and appropriate self-care.
  • Ideally would differ in gifts from the Senior Pastor to complement and support one another in leadership and witness to the church and community.

See RCA Website for Church profile.