A Learning Circle on The Power of Asset Mapping
A new learning circle is being started by the Synod on the topic of Asset Mapping. The group will be starting soon and will continue through late October or early November.
Pastors who elect to join the learning circle will first read the entire book The Power of Asset Mapping by Luther Snow during the summer. Then the circle of pastors will have three weekly online sessions to discuss the book. After that, the pastors will recruit two or three leaders from the congregation to work through the concepts of the book together. The leadership team spends four to six weeks doing the learning and putting it into practice while the pastor takes part in online calls every other week to reflect on her/his teams’ learning and practice, receive support and coaching from the group, and hear ideas from other pastors.
Click here for more information, including a possible calendar of what could be followed for this group.
Click here to complete a Doodle poll to find the best mutual time for those interested to meet.
For more information contact Greg Town: gnbtown@gmail.com.
FaithWalking “FW101” retreat scheduled for next month
Come and take the next step in your spiritual journey at a FW101 retreat held over two Saturdays, Sept. 8 and 15 at Church of the Hill in Flushing, Queens. Attendance both days is required. The cost for both Saturdays is $125 for a first-time participant and $50 for a repeat participant. Sessions will start promptly at 9:00a and conclude by 6:00p both days – light morning fare (and coffee!), lunch, and snacks will be provided.
Pastors are encouraged to attend a FW101 retreat either on their own, with a colleague, or with others from their congregations. A FW101 retreat will help to re-discover your own need for spiritual formation and personal transformation, and you’ll find new ways through FW to re-learn how to relate to God, others, and your own self. You also get a better idea of FaithWalking as a process of spiritual formation that can be offered to others in your congregation.
FaithWalking is a spiritual formation process where people are increasingly following the way of Jesus, experiencing ongoing transformation, and developing effective practices for missional living: serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need; working for the common good; and restoring individuals, social systems, communities, and nations to God’s intended design.
Click here to learn more about FaithWalking.
If you have any questions OR if you’re a repeat participant and would like to volunteer as a small group leader, email Greg at gnbtown@gmail.com
Click here for more information and the registration link. The deadline to register isSeptember 1.
If you are part of a Churches Learning Change team and planning to attend this FW101 retreat, click here to fill in the Google form for the retreat.