Weekly News

The Regional Synod of New York

RCA Resources: “The Big Mailing”

Hi there,

Well, the great backpack search is over (the winning backpack is dark blue and covered with vehicles, including the ever-important space shuttle) and my son has been in kindergarten for a couple weeks now. We’re all getting used to the new rhythm.

At work, part of the fall rhythm is what we like to call “the big mailing.” Technically, it’s six mailings with different components in each—but that’s more than you want to know. Each fall, as the new Minutes of General Synod, Book of Church Order, and General Synod Directory come back from the printer, we send them off into the world. Our wonderful mailroom coordinator, Kim Shassberger, started on the big mailing last week. Conveniently for you, we also post these resources online so you don’t need to wait. Keep scrolling for the links. (For privacy reasons, the directory is only in print.)

Blessings to you,

Christina Tazelaar
Director of Communication


Read the Minutes of General Synod

Didn’t get enough of General Synod 2018 while it was happening? Relive it with the Minutes of General Synod, which are now available. Get a printed copy from Faith Alive, or head to www.rca.org/minutes. Incidentally, that page is also a goldmine of historical information, with a full archive of minutes back to 1771, except for the elusive 1923 edition. (If you have a copy of the 1923 minutes you’re willing to part with, please contact our archivist Russ Gasero: rgasero@rca.org.)

Relive General Synod through the Minutes

An oldie but a goodie

Get a new edition of an old favorite! Order a print copy of the calendar from Faith Alive or download an .ics file to integrate with Google Calendar or iCal. (It’s easy, I promise. Just Google for instructions.) The Plan Calendar has the Revised Common Lectionary readings each week, along with special Sundays and a liturgical calendar for the year.

Plan your life and church life with the Plan Calendar

The Book of Church Order is hot off the presses

And thankfully, the printing process is much easier now than when the original BCO debuted! Each year, the BCO is updated with changes approved by classes over the previous year and ratified at General Synod. If you want the latest and greatest on all things church order, the 2018 edition is available now. Churches will get a copy in the mail; additional copies can be ordered through Faith Alive Christian Resources for $10 USD. Of course, you can also get a PDF online for free. The 2018 BCO comes in English, Spanish, Korean, and Mandarin.

Download the BCO

Subscribe for updates from Eddy

Our new general secretary, Eddy Alemán, has a new prayer newsletter called Life Together. Join the email list for updates from Eddy.

Sign up for Eddy’s prayer newsletter