This News Story is about an event that has already taken place. Please keep checking newyorksynod.orgfor similar events and other upcoming opportunities. You may also subscribe to the Regional Synod of New York weekly email by clicking here.
On January 14, Mott Haven Reformed Church in the Bronx will host a mass incarceration learning experience: “A Faith Call to End Mass Incarceration”
The purpose of this gathering is to raise awareness about mass incarceration, to explore the role of the church in relation to mass incarceration and to invite you to a 1 ½ day conference in New Orleans in March 10-11. The hope is that out of the learning experience and the conference, learning communities will be formed around the country to work on advocacy and action as it relates to this critical issue.
We know that mass incarceration has a negative impact on communities of color. The church has a significant role to play in reform of this system that is unjustly skewed against our sisters and brothers. We are greater together than we are working alone.
Please come out and join with us in this battle.
Please note: you must register with Wanlin Chang to attend. Attendance is free, however, in order to properly prepare we must have an accurate account. Lunch will be served. That’s the other reason we need to know if you are coming. We want everyone to have a plate of food!
For more information, click here to download an event flyer.
Register with Wanlin Chang: 616-541-0896 or