If you want to transform your congregation or your community, you have to start with changing yourself with the help of the Holy Spirit. Faithwalking was formed to do just this. As a movement of personal transformation that empowers individuals to live on mission with God in every dimension of their lives, it also helps to move toward congregational and communal transformation. It is a movement that began in Houston, TX and has spread across the US, Canada, and beyond. Within the RCA, this movement has started within congregations that have been taking part in Ridder Church Renewal, in which Faithwalking has been included as a portion of the transformation learning process.
Faithwalking’s four core courses (101, 201, 202, 301) are a series of transformation learning experiences where we teach, coach, and empower you to master the components of the transformational journey. You will gain mastery in the areas of spiritual formation, inner healing, emotional maturity, and missional living.
- FW 101 participants hear presentations about being fully human and fully alive according to God’s design and how that makes a difference in their world. FW 101 is currently offered as a two-day in-person retreat.
- FW 201 is a 24-week biweekly seminar series, that meets via e-conference, providing participants with practices and conceptual tools for partnering with God by engaging a lifelong journey of personal transformation.
- FW 202 is an advanced course designed to deepen participants understanding and more fully integrate the transformational practices introduced in 101 and 201. Meeting via e-conference weekly over 13 weeks, you will discuss what you are learning, what you are getting present to in your own life, and how you are applying what you are learning to continuously living into God’s emerging future for you.
- FW 301 is another advanced course that seeks to increase your capacity for missional living, to love like Jesus loved and to develop a deeper understanding of what it means to live on mission with God in the world and in your context. This is an e-conference that meets weekly over 10 weeks. Like 202, you will discuss what you are learning, what you are getting present to in your own life, and how you are applying what you are learning to continuously grow in your capacity to work for the common good by joining with God in God’s ongoing mission in the world and in your context.
Faithwalking 101 retreats are being planned for 2017 in Schoharie, NY (May 6 & 7) and Holmes, NY (Sept 23 & 24), with 2018 in the works. If you are interested in joining the movement yourself or with others from your congregation, please contact Greg Town at gnbtown@gmail.com.